Born 8/24/2024
We got quite the surprise this morning when we went out to feed the Rabbits! We got Fleur from another breeder on 8/1/2024 and today, we found out she was pregnant when we got her! She gave birth to 8 healthy kits and pulled plenty of fur for a nest! This is Fleur’s second litter, but her first successful one. She gave birth to a litter about a week before we got her, but lost the whole litter due to her being too young to know how to care for them. This is when she realized that one of the young “Does” in the growout cage was actually a buck! We feel a little bad for Fleur at this point, as it looks like she was bred the day she kindled the stillborn litter. Luckily, this litter all is good and wiggly and they all have nice plump tummies! She gave birth to 1 black kit, 1 blue kit, and 6 chocolate kits. We will see how they look as they grow up!